Friday, January 2, 2009


Late in 2008 a friend and I created a Podcast focusing on IT Security in South Africa. Unlike the first world, this is a fairly new endeavour here: we seem to be the first to do this locally. We have the interesting experience of marketing a technology which seems to be still little understood or used, while consuming international content.

At this stage we're only publishing monthly so we've had little feedback - although this is a small community and we have found strangers already commenting on what they've heard, so we are reaching SOME listeners.

I hope to use this blog to talk about our experiences, and give a sense of what it takes to create and maintain content in the nether-regions, as well as comment on the content and on ITand IT Security itself.

And of course, interested in seeing where this leads in 2009.

The podcast can be found, by the way, at

1 comment:

  1. What actually blew me away was the hunger for this type of content. I'm excited about the format and looking at the corporations and people that have shown interest in this only serves to further convince me that what started out as a text message will grow to provide the industry with a vibrant sounding board for issues that are often glossed over.
